

  • 一、

    (D) A.fl(a)t B.gr(a)mmar C.c(a)t D.a(g)e

    (D)A.hobb(y) B.countr(y) C.ever(y)one D.(y)ourself

    (B)A.yours(e)lf B.(e)leven C.(e)lder D.(e)ngineer

    (A)A.Jap(a)n B.(a)ll C.footb(a)ll D.(a)lso

    (C)A.g(i)ve B.l(i)ttle C.al(i)ve D.l(i)ve


    W:Good morning,Allan.How do you do to school every day?

    M:In my father's car.He works in a hospital and it is (1.close,近的) to our school.

    W:Is that white car your father's?

    M:No,it isn't.It is my uncle's.

    W:(2.Why,为何) does your father drive his car?

    M:My uncle asks him to drive his car.He is in (3.Japan,日本) now.

    W:What does he do?Does he learn Japanese there?

    M:No,he is an (4.engineer,工程师).In his free time,he often travels.

    W:Do you like him?

    M:Yes.He often buys things for me and he is (5.friendly,友好的) to everyone.