求选词填空答案,The First International Olympic Games __81__ in Athe


  • The First International Olympic Games __81-B__ in Athens(雅典),

    Greece,in 1896.The countries that attended were the United States,Australia,France,Germany,Hungary(匈牙利)and some __82-C__.

    The Games began __83-D__ April 6 in a beautiful stadium(体育场).The stadium was crowded __84-B__ people.The King and Queen of Greece were there,too.Indeed all the forty-five thousand seats were taken.

    One of the events(比赛项目)was the Marathon.It was held in __85-D__ of the day in 490 B. C.,when a messenger had run from Marathon to Athens,__86-A__ an important victory for the Greeks.Now the runners were going __87-D__ the same distance of about twenty-four miles.

    The Marathon __88-D__ by a young Greek shepherd(牧羊人).When he got near the stadium the crowd became greatly excited.The princess dashed from her seat and ran around the track with him.The people shouted and chapped __89-B__ hands(拍手喝彩).The Greek was __90-C__ with joy, for winning the Marathon had special meaning for him.Everyone was glad that a Greek had won the event.

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