英语翻译不是翻译别的文章 ,是有关翻译教程这本书的 书评


  • " I can't think of anything,my head hurts,ah!"

    " How do you Jack!"

    " Derry,quick to send the home,and call a doctor to have a look!"

    " Well,madam.Come,see this gentleman home."

    " Doctor,his situation?"

    " Unfortunately,he's lost his memory."

    "You can let him remember."

    " Can,however unlikely."

    Then,what shall I do.

    " You can try to repeat the past remind him."

    " Well,thank you,you can go."

    " Oh,where is it?"

    " Jack,you wake up!Do you feel uncomfortable?"

    " No,madame.Sorry,just now."

    " Never mind,you have a good rest.Derry,come out."

    " Madam,what can I do for you?"

    " Can you help me to find the heart of the ocean?"

    " The missing is like the ocean heart Sapphire Necklace?"

    You can make it!

    " No problem,madam,I'll do all that I can do for you."

    Nicely done.

    " Jack,you still handsome,but I'm old."

    " Time flies past.The very next day at noon " ( V.O.)

    " Jack,you know the Titanic?You and I know is there."

    " But the lady ..."

    " I know you don't remember,do you remember,show you something."

    My God!