have you made up your mind how to cheer up the sick kids?by


  • have 放在句首,做一般疑问句提问

    you 主语

    made up 谓语.时态是现在完成时.

    your mind 宾语.

    到这里,句子的主要成分就全了.改成陈述语气就是:You have made up your mind.

    how to cheer up the sick kids 是由 how to 引导的方式状语从句.sick kids 是 cheer up 的宾语.

    By singing songs.是省略句.

    完整的句子是:I cheer up the sick kids by singsing songs.

    所以答语的主语是 I(也就是问句里的那个 you)

    by singing songs 是宾语补足语,是用来修饰 sick kids 的