英语翻译These are the points that we discussed and before I have


  • These are the points that we discussed and before I have Sven complete the program according to your requirements I am sending this note to you for approval


    !.There will be a Max of 15 Participants.Could go to 16 including

    Steven and Mei.随行人员最多15人;如果把Steven和 Mei算在内,最多16人.

    2.Trip planed for May 24th Thursday 2012 Departure.Arriving

    same day in Frankfurt.预定行程:2012年5月24日出发,同日抵达法兰克福;回程:2012年5月30日 周四(31日周五抵达成都)

    Return May 30 Thursday (Arrival Chengdu 31 Friday)

    3.2 people per car for a total of 8 cars 8辆车,每台车两人

    4.Logo can be put on the Cars.You must bring these with you.请带上LOGO(商标/活动标识),我们可以把LOGO贴在车上;

    5.Clothing for the group should include formal wear for the Evenings 请为所有人员准备好晚装/礼服

    6.Suggested to get a sport Jacket in navy bleu for the traveling Members with H-19 Logo on Jacket and Gray Pants and white Turtle neck sweater.建议为所有人员统一服装:套头毛衣+灰色裤子+海军蓝运动式外套(要有H-19的标识)

    7.Will spend one and a Half days at the Nurnberg ring.我们会在Nurnberg 赛道待一天半.

    8.Cars on the Track Cleo Club Renault.250 horse power.赛车:Cleo Club Renault,250马力

    9.Road cars Porsche 911 991 Carrera Brand new version 行车用车:Porsche 911 -991 Carrera 全新款

    10.Trophies will be coming from Germany 5 in total.奖品/奖杯会从德国运过来,总共5个

    11.The rest of the trip will be adjusted according to these Requests.余下的行程视情况调整

    12.Insurance will be provided.保险已涵盖

    13.Do not include the winery.请不要携带酒及酒精类饮品

    After speaking to Sven it should be noted that the race track Is very demanding with 73 turns and difficult.For the safety reason no races as such can be done there.The average lap time is 8.20 minutes per round the best time has been around 6.40 That is also a part of the reason that they use smaller cars as the participants can not keep there concentration and stamina for to long.跟sven谈过之后,我觉得有几点需要注意一下:赛道对选手的要求很高,有73个弯道,而且这些弯道的难度都很高.所以出于安全考虑,比赛不可能完全在这样的赛道上进行.在这样的赛道上跑完一圈的平均时间是8.2分,最好记录是6.4分.这也是为什么要用小型车的原因,因为选手不可能在这么长的时间里丝毫不分神,而且他们的耐力也没办法支撑这么久.

    At Bugatti plant visit Sven will try to make arrangements for a tour in the car as co driver and if possible as driver.( Steven should let us know if anyone of the participants are interested in a Buggatti.去Bugatti工厂参观的时候,Sven会试着安排队员试驾(应该是作为副驾,有可能的话作为驾驶员).这一点Steven要了解下情况,看看哪些队员有兴趣.

    Steven please get back to us withyour answers and then we will have the trip made in a PPT with the correct information for your presentsation.Steven:请针对以上要点进行回复;整个行程安排,包括你反馈过来的修改意见,我们会做成PPT并提供给你做presentation.

    The pricing will come at the same time this has been completed 报价会与PPT同时发给你们.

    A list of the participants and there address will have to be sent to Buggatti before your arrival.

    Sven suggests that we get Simulators with the Nurnberg ring on it for the drivers to practice before leaving for Germany 队员名单及地址应在你们到达法兰克福之前发到Buggatti那边.Sven建议在出发去德国之前,我们要拿到有模拟Nurnberg赛道的模拟装置(?--不知道这里是什么,姑且翻做模拟装置),这样车手可以试驾,练习一下.

    I believe at the Ferrari day we had 2 units to play with.
