

  • 翻译英语”关于袜子和裤子的价格,我查了之前我们的购买记录,它们的价格分别袜子10元和裤子100元”


    In relation to the unit price of socks and trousers ,I have checked our previous registration /record of purchase ,whose prices were respectively 10 RMB for socks and 100RMB for trousers


    As far as the unit price of socks and trousers is concerned ,I have made a check upon the former recording of our purchase ,whose prices are separately ten RMB for socks and one hundred RMB for trousers


    With regard to / Concerning / Regarding / With respect to / In regard to / About the price of socks and trousers .I have checked / examined/ looked into / investigated / looked up / scrutinized our former /previous purchase record with the result of 10RMB for socks and 100RMB for trousers