and 句首?and能放在句首,后接一个完整的句子吗


  • 有一种情况,下列解释中第9就是,此处AND是古语,代表IF.

    and [ænd (unstressed) ənd ən]

    conj (coordinating)

    1.along with; in addition to boys and girls a consequence he fell down and cut his knee

    3.afterwards we pay the man and go through that door

    4.(preceded by good or nice) (intensifier) the sauce is good and thick two and two equals four

    6.used to join identical words or phrases to give emphasis or indicate repetition or continuity better and better we ran and ran it rained and rained

    7.used to join two identical words or phrases to express a contrast between instances of what is named there are jobs and jobs

    8.Informal used in place of to in infinitives after verbs such as try,go,and come try and see it my way obsolete word for if ,and it please you Informal spellings an an' 'n