澳洲留学,参加英语辩论赛,That women are better than men in the workplace


  • 可以从这些地方讨论,你是反方,那就是

    woman arent better than men in the workplace

    * woman are phyically weaker, cannot have the same workload as man can

    * woman has the respoibility of carry babies, which means once they are pregrent, they have to work less, and once after their delivery, they need to stop working and take time at home

    * woman are relativelly family minded and sided, which means they are tend to put more time into families than work

    * woman are gossipy, they tend to talk more, work less (maybe)

    * woman tend to focus on appreance more than man, therefore they spend more time on clothing, beauty and make up, whereas man use that time to work

    * woman are more soft hearted, so whenever there is a time to make a diffcult dicision or a ,man are more likely to know if they want the fish or cut the bait
