

  • 1、I will be glad when this job is over and done with.这个工作彻底完成后我就高兴了.【这里是do with的用法吗?不是说do with的do是及物的,with也是介词.】 This job is over and done with 有两个并列谓语,可以把它改为下面的两个简单句: This job is over 这项工作结束【系表结构】This job is done with 这项工作被处理【被动语态.相当于主动语态 I do with the job(我处理完这项工作)】 可见,主动语态中的介词 with 的宾语this job 改为被动语态后变成它的的逻辑宾语. 由此可知,如果介词后置的介词与前面的名词存在动宾关系,这个名词可能是该介词的提前逻辑宾语.如: 提前宾语   What are you (at)? 你正做什么?【宾语what 被提前】  Theman whom you work (with) is my brother. 和你共事的那个人是我的弟兄.【宾语 which被提前】 逻辑宾语  I have many things to do (with). 我有许多事情要处理.【things 是逻辑宾语】  Waiting no longer could be do (with). 实在等不下去了.【动名词短语 waiting no longer是逻辑宾语】  The patientshould be taken good care (of). 这个病人该好好地看护.【the patient 是逻辑宾语】 2、At school, it simply was not done to show that you cared for anything except cricket. 在学校里,除了板球外,你对什么都不感兴趣,这是不对的.【感觉这一句的内容与翻译对不上.】 it was not done to show that you cared for anything except cricket 的结构如下: 形式主语:it (指代后面不定式提到的这件事)谓语部分:was not done ——不妥当的真实主语:to show that you cared for anything except cricket ——显示出你除了板球外喜欢过任何活动   硬译:表现出你除了板球外还喜欢过任何活动是不妥当的.  变通翻译:你除了喜欢板球外不喜欢任何活动,这是不对的.  润色翻译:除了板球外,你对什么都不感兴趣,这是不对的. 3、As we all know, Americans seldom sit down to a regular meal as they like things done immediately. 请问这里为什么用介词to,表达什么意思? sit down to sth. 的意思是“坐下来做某事”或“按下心来做某事”,如 Let’s sit down to a cup of tea. 让我们坐下来喝杯茶吧.When they did sit down to supper together, he was usually drunk. 当他们坐下一起吃晚饭时,他常常是先从外面喝醉酒回来的.Take it easy and sit down to your essay. 别急,安安心心地写你的文章吧