帮我找一篇电影《海洋》的英文简介,谢谢~ 越快越好


  • "The sea" focused on three fourths of the earth's surface is covered with "blue territory". The French director Jacques bei han and Jacques g LuZuoDe will explore this deep and rich mysterious world, complete present the magnificence of the vast ocean. Real animal world than the story of cartoon adventure to the wonderful, the next on the screen--giant jellyfish group, the right whale, the great white shark, penguin. None miserly in front of the cameras to show their exuberant vitality, breathtaking.

    "One day, a boy looking at the sea, ask me: it was the sea? The ocean? What?" This is the first film language. "The sea" torture of human influence by the traces of the life. This is not a the expansion, but a documentary film, is a fact. The entire movie no human perspective, no comments, just let the lens to speak. Jacques bei han and Jacques g LuZuo (Jacques Cluzaud) hope that through the film promote people to the protection of endangered sea world, and introduce the part of the endangered Marine biology.

    Director in unique Angle of view in addition to show the beauty of animals and natural beauty, more open a "narrative" narrative, he to the environmental protection question of thorough thinking let us much one minute to economic development and the environmental protection question of miss, look at the human activities on the influence of the Marine environment, bring you different struck the human heart of the sea ".

    "The sea" take up to five years, the cost of 50 million euros, and use 12 crew, 70 ship in the world, 50 shooting, there are more than 100 species are shooting, more than 500 hours of the underwater world and Marine related material, is the largest investment in history documentary.