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  • History Introduction

    Our History

    While New Zealand is a relatively young country, it has a rich and fascinating history, reflecting both our Maori and European heritage. Amazing Maori historic sites and taonga (treasures), some dating back almost a thousand years, are a contrast to many beautiful colonial buildings. A walk around any New Zealand city today shows what a culturally diverse and fascinating country we have become.

    Treaty of Waitangi

    An 1840 treaty between Maori and the British Crown is New Zealand’s founding document. Today, the Treaty of Waitangi has a major impact on all New Zealanders.


    Over a thousand years ago, Maori became the first people to migrate to New Zealand. Since then, people have come from around the world to settle here.

    Early Settlement

    Bravely voyaging across the Pacific from their ancestral homeland hundreds of years ago, Maori made New Zealand their home, becoming the tangata whenua — people of the land.


    Though a Dutchman was the first European to sight the land, it was the British who colonised New Zealand, leaving an indelible mark on the country and its people.

    Natural Environment

    With vast open spaces filled with stunning rugged landscapes, gorgeous beaches, often spectacular geothermal and volcanic activity, a temperate climate and fascinating animal and plant life, and it is no surprise that New Zealand’s pure natural environment is so attractive to visitors from other countries. And the great advantage of New Zealand is there are many different landscapes, environments, and ecosystems so close to each other.


    Unique flightless birds, the world's heaviest insect and a 'living dinosaur'. Eighty million years of isolation in a time capsule - the unique native wildlife of New Zealand.


    Whether you spend time in the wilderness areas of National Parks or lovingly manicured private gardens, you'll find an abundance of fascinating native plants found nowhere else on earth but New Zealand

    Climate and Weather

    New Zealand has mild temperatures, high rainfall, and lots of sunshine. You can also enjoy hot summers, beautiful spring and autumn colours, and crisp winter snow.

    Geography and Geology

    New Zealand has a stunning variety of landforms — from spectacular alpine glaciers and massive mountain ranges to rolling green farmland and long sandy beaches.

    Our Culture

    New Zealand has a unique and dynamic culture. The culture of its indigenous Māori people affects the language, the arts, and even the accents of all New Zealanders. Their place in the South Pacific, and their love of the outdoors, sport, and the arts make New Zealanders and their culture unique in the world.

    Māori Culture

    New Zealand’s indigenous Māori people have a unique and fascinating language and culture, which plays a major role in New Zealand life.

    The People

    Though a diverse and multicultural people, there are many qualities, including friendliness, individuality, invention and self-reliance, that you’ll find in most New Zealanders. It’s our national character!


    The influence of Māori, Pacific Island, European and Asian cultures makes the arts in New Zealand colourful, unique and vibrant - definitely something to look out for!


    A range of wacky and weird objects helps define what it is to be a New Zealander, or 'Kiwi'. These wonderful things are known simply as - 'Kiwiana'.