我有点断不开句.We’re not talking about upcycling so you can wear th


  • We’re not talking about upcycling so you can wear them but about the best way to make the most of clothing【 that still has wear left in it that can be put to good use】




    Wear is the amount or type of use that something has over a period of time.

    You'll get more wear out of a hat if you choose one in a neutral colour...如果你选个中性颜色的帽子,戴的时间会更多一些.

    Rugs in the bedrooms got much less wear.卧室里的小毯子用得少多了.


    这个不对:that still has wear{前面的是clothing的定语{ left in it that can be put to good use

    应是:(that still has wear left in it{前面的是clothing的定语{)( that can be put to good use{前面的也是wear的定语{)