

  • A:Ladies and gentlemen,today we are glad to invite the famous chief executive officer of the J company to our programma.Welcome Mr.B

    B:Thank you

    A:Many people longto know the fastest way to become rich,could you give us a key?

    B:It's hard to say.being richer has no shortcut,you have to struggle and be good at grasp the opportunity

    A:Towards legal or not?

    B:illegal will never be long

    A:Your option?

    B:Of course,I choose legal thing to do.

    A:How to do that?

    B:It depends on how it's going on

    A:If you need give a lecture.What kind of preparation you need to make to ensure the success of your plan?

    B:first of all,I have engouh confidence to this plan,and then,I will present specific stepsof programma and prospect of programma and so on

    A:well,thank you for your answer.Let us thanks Mr.B for coming.goodbye