

  • A person's success and glory behind, not only has the struggle, there is sweat, more importantly -- stick. 'Adhere to the' two word is easy to say, hard to sit up. Adhere to, often depends on a person's perseverance, a personal dedication to the dream. I admire successful people, I admire their stamina.

    On the road to learning, we should also adhere to? Knowledge will be your playmate. When you feel lonely, successful concert ringing for you, believe me, insisted on equal to success, as long as we persist, everyone will be successful. The stick is street, pulling us towards success; insist on is the sun, give us warmth and care; insist on is a boat, carrying us to reach the other side of hope; persistence is the key, will enable us to open the door to success. Now, I no longer admire those who succeed, I know, success, I can do it. Even on the road to success, there are ups and downs, thorns, I will not be afraid, because I know, the sunshine after the rain, hold on, past. Insist on often behind the is success, adhere to equal to success!