

  • 如果你哭,你的对手就会笑.如果你笑,你的对手就会哭.人生就像愤怒的小鸟,每次你失败的时候,总有几只猪在笑.你要做的就是无视嘲笑的声音,给自己打气.自信地微笑,再自信地做好该做的事.勇敢一点,真的没什么大不了!

    If you cry,your opponent will laugh.If you laugh,your opponent will cry.Life is like an angry little bird; every time you fail,there'll always be some pigs who laugh at you.You must learn to disregard any mockery and cheer yourself on.Smile confidently,and finish doing all the things you must do.Be brave,in the end it's really nothing.

    ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,