

  • 待我长发及腰,将军归来可好?此身君子意逍遥,怎料山河萧萧.天光乍破遇,暮雪白头老.寒剑默听奔雷,长枪独守空壕.醉卧沙场君莫笑,一夜吹彻画角.江南晚来客,红绳结发梢.

    Till my hair to waist drips thou would come back,my lord?Every time I rush to thine arms only to find distance doth us apart.

    We met at dawn and we pledged eternity.Blazing in the thunder is thine sword,guarding the trench is thine spear!

    Laugh him not if he is tipsy on the theatre for horns have been sounded and tears have been summoned.A friend comes from south in night,bringing me a lock of tenderness in red.待卿长发及腰,我必凯旋回朝.昔日纵马任逍遥,俱是少年英豪.东都霞色好,西湖烟波渺.执枪血战八方,誓守山河多娇.应有得胜归来日,与卿共度良宵.盼携手终老,愿与子同袍.

    Till thine hair to waist drips,I would have returned in triumph,my lady!Remember the old days of galloping and charging; young vigilantes,thou and I.

    We indulged in sunset of the east; we adventured into mist of the west.Spear in hand and armors in blood,I pledge life to this land beneath.

    Victory is the day we having the night together.May we share eternity and may we share souls alike.