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  • Chinese Dumpling

    Chinese Dumpling

    Chinese dumplings or Jiaozi,with meat and vegetable fillings,is a traditional Chinese Food,which is essential during holidays in Northern China.Chinese are Masters in the Art of Making Dumplings.


    The history of jiaozi dates back to ancient times,some 500-600 years ago.As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the new year.China has been perfecting the art of dumpling making since the Sung dynasty.


    There is no set rule as to what makes dumping fillings.They can be anything from vegetables,meat to seafood.Whatever the fillings,the wrapping skill needs to be exquisite to make jiaozi look attractive.

    Shape and variety

    Chinese dumplings may be round or crescent-shaped,boiled or pan-fried.The filling may be sweet or savory; vegetarian or filled with meat and vegetables.Of course,all this variety can be confusing.

    As China is a country with a vast territory,there are great difference in various regions in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it.For example,dumplings wrappers are made with a rolling stick in most areas of Beijing and Hebei Provinces,whereas in some parts of Shanxi Province and inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,wrappers are hand- pressed.

    How to make Chinese dumplings?

    To make Chinese dumplings,first of all,chop the meat into pieces and mash them,then add salt,sesame oil,soy sauce,ginger,scallions,Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like.Mix thoroughly the ingredients; add two spoonful of water if necessary.