Why I can't pass the CET-4?


  • Dear zz185388682,

    I am sorry to hear that you have failed narrowly in the English CET-4 examination.And I am very upset to hear that you are so depressed that you haven't talk to anyone for two days.

    I can understand what you are feeling now.It is rather depressing to fail in an important exam just by several points.Perhaps you can't help thinking “If only I had been a little more careful...”Unfortunately in the reality there is no “if only”.But a failure doesn't mean the doom of the world.There are more exams to come in the future.He who laughs last laughs best.

    It is time for you to turn grief into strength.You can make use of this chance to improve your English.Looking back,you can learn a lot from your mistakes; look forward,you will find a bright tomorrow before you.I will be glad to help you and let's study together!

    Best wishes.

    Yours truly,