

  • 一天,一个小男孩去公园玩耍.他遇到了一只小袋鼠,于是,他便想带小袋鼠去玩.他们走着走着,袋鼠妈妈突然出现了,他不放心男孩带小袋鼠出去玩,便把小袋鼠强行塞进了自己的育儿袋.男孩很怕袋鼠妈妈,连忙跑开,小袋鼠也跟着他跑出了育儿袋.男孩跑啊跑,累了,便坐在一棵大树下休息.小袋鼠也跟来了.正在寻找孩子的袋鼠妈妈,把男孩误当成了小袋鼠,把他往育儿袋里塞.小袋鼠还想跟男孩玩呢,便把男孩往外拉.袋鼠妈妈和小袋鼠便在公园里玩起了“拔河”.

    One day,a little boy went to play in the park.When he met a little kangroo,he wanted to play with it.While they were walking,the mother kangroo appeared suddenly.She didn't trust her child to play with the boy and caught the little kangroo into her pouch .The boy was really afraid of the mother kangroo and ran away as soon as he could,the little kangroo jumped out of the pouch quickly and ran after the boy .The boy ran and ran.After he got tired,he sat under a tree and have a rest.The little kangaroo still follow the boy.The mother kangaroo who was looking for her baby mistook the boy as her child,so she caught the boy and put him into her pouch.The little kangaroo arrived and it still wanted to play with the boy so he tried to pull the boy out of the pouch.At last,the mother kangaroo and the little kangaroo played "tug of war" in the park happily.
