英语翻译1.There are examples of languages that have survived in


  • 1.There are examples

    2.Children have slowed the erosion and rekindled interest

    3.The policy put languages on the list


    5.It wasn't until the discovery that technology is able to develop

    6.What ...is not just the number of speakers,but how old they are

    7.In the nation,the language is dying

    8.The problem is not a new one

    9.Health system is faced with the need .(各种need)

    10.People are not in a position or do not live ..

    找主干的话最好的方法就是 看到这种句子

    The problem of how health-care resources should be allocated or apportioned,so that they are distributed in both the most just and most efficient way,is not a new one.
