2段英语翻译 急求急求~~~!机器别来


  • We chose South Korea's fashion as the subject for our team's interview task. As a fashionable country, South Korean stars have started to go globe, and its distinctive clothes are also increasingly grabbing attention worldwide.

    We selected the Itaewon as our interview spot, which many foreigners like to visit, and shops here are always favored. Another reason for choosing the subject is that all the four members of our team are girls who have much interest in fashion.

    Although it rained during the interview, our excitement was not ruined. The elder sister A took us a camera, B brought a recorder, C and I collected the necessary information beforehand. As a result, the interview made us very happy. I will write about the virtues and flaws of taking the Itaewon as the interview spot. What do foreigners think about South Korea's fashion, and my own thinking about the interview.

    Working together among team members is rather impressive for us. With another opportunity in the future, we planned to choose the Dongdaemon market as the next interview spot as it is also famous for South Korean fashion and preferred by many foreigners too. However , due to the lack of information, the interview is not perfect. But next time, we will.