Darling,please tell me,you miss me just like how I miss you.


  • Sometimes I feel you are like a dream,beautiful,but not real...Want to get closer to you,get to know you more...But I'm lacking of time.


    推荐翻译:Darling,please tell me,that you miss me,just like the way I do.

    Sometimes,you are like a dream to me,which is so beautiful,though unreal.

    I want to be closer with you,to know you more,but I can`t for lack of time.

    最后一句 I'm lacking of time不能这样用,lack 作名词时可加of time作为一个短语,但做不及物动词时不能加of,而应用in,如I`m lacking in time.或直接做及物动词,加宾语,如I lack time.