帮忙批改下这篇雅思大作文吧,Some people think university education should


  • 我来帮你指出一些语法和英语逻辑上的错误,然后帮你把句子改得通顺地道.

    Nowadays,people [often discuss] what university education should [mostly consist of],theoretical or practical [knowledge].Based on my experience,I want to emphasize that practical skills [and thoretical knowledge are of equal importance] for university students,[even though] each [plays its own role in] building one's [career].[In my opinion,] people [shouldn't worry about whether a university should give] both practical and theoretical courses,and [simply let the students] make their own decisions.

    For students who plan to get a [job] immediately after graduating from university,courses that [prepare] them for employment will be [their] first choice,since a large amount of practical skills and helpful [advice for] work will be [included] in those courses.[Some survey results indicate that] students [who studied] practical courses for 3 or 4 years always [perform better in the job] at the beginning [compared] with those who studied theoretical knowledge for the same [amount] of years.However,this advantage will not last very long provided their competitors [will be able to have] more comprehensive understanding [of the job] by combining their [theoretical knowledge] with [practical experiences].

    On the other hand,students who want to continue their [academic] career and [do research],tend to acquire more fundamental theories which,admittedly,is the prerequisite of academic innovations.However,[I believe that these ideas] should more or less make some [connections to the] practical application [of it],or they will be completely useless.[Thus,] practical skills [must be present in a thinker] as well as a worker.

    As a whole,we can see [that] it's time [to adjust] university education into a more reasonable system.[From what I know],some universities have divided [the] academic term into three semesters,[two theoretical and one practical].[This system has achieved] great success.I hope that [such systems will serve as a] good model for other universities in the future.

    ♥ 自己认真修改的,现在语法句型都比较地道,