

  • Time really flies, blink of an eye, a week has passed, this week without anything special, every day in addition to classes, meals, play games, read a book, sleep like this in the past, if this week have the harvest, that I think sleep late and get up the bad habits, which is a good sign, since the university I haven't done so. University, who is my dream place, but to the University, I found that the original of the university is not what I think as decadent, as if filled with in every corner of the University, perhaps this is my own now decadent are looking for an excuse...

    Last semester, my grades are not ideal, now a semester has more than half of the past, in order not to repeat the same mistakes, I also than before much harder, regardless of prior decadent, life continues, I also want to adjust their mentality, to pick up, the students must learn, before the fall of homework to repair back, remember Dad once said: "I do not want you must first, just want to you can try, the University for four years time and previously for the university to pay efforts on the line." Every time I think of this sentence, I feel sorry for parents, for themselves, and in order not to let them down, I must say goodbye to the decadent.