

  • 1. 没有 I think there isn't... 的句式, 因为 I think 句式中需要否定前置,所以 I don't think .. 即为否定句.不要去想什么主干不主干的,只要句子里有否定词,no,not,never, hardly, little, few之类的就是否定句式.

    2. 指定了某个特殊的时间就要用on. 比如在早上是in the morning,在礼拜一早上就是on Monday morning.adj+morning/...等因为指定了某个特殊情境的时间段,而不是广泛意义的某一天早上,所以也要用on.

    3. sth take sb sometime, sth cost sb some money /sth


    我记得 pay 有这些用法(不一定全):sb pay (some money) for sth如 I paid $50 for the T-shirt , pay sb somemoney,pay off the debt指还清债务,pay sb back指偿还,报答,等.学会自己查字典.

    4 没有4..

    5. There are 3 people in my family, my father, my mother, and me. 这个.with的话是和某人一起干嘛干嘛,不能这样用啊.比如My mother went shopping with me.如果要表示事物的列举,肯定是用and或or 的.
