

  • 英文版的词曲都是顺子自己写的哦

    I'm Sorry [英文版](曲:顺子 词:顺子 编曲:锺兴民) 4'18"


    I always think that I know everything But you insist I know nothing I always fight to have very last word But your thoughts were never heard I'm sorry,so sorry Didn't mean to hurt you I'll borrow your sorrow Don't tell me it's through I wish I could take back some things I said I wish I could make things better I wish I could take back some things I did Everyday I'm feeling sadder I'm sorry,so sorry Didn't mean to hurt you I'll borrow your sorrow It's my turn now to cry Never fear I'll be here Say a prayer We can take on the hands of time And I,I know we can make it If we just stay together And trust each other on this one I'm sorry,so sorry Didn't mean to hurt you I'll borrow your sorrow Don't tell me it's through,don't tell me it's through Said I'm sorry,I'm sorry I've never meant to,never meant to hurt you I'll borrow,I will borrow your sorrow It's my turn now to cry

    中译:我总以为自己无所不知 而你却坚持说我什麼都不懂 我总是争论到最后一字一句 但从来听不进去你的言语 对不起 真对不起 我无意伤害你 我愿承担你的忧伤 别说一切都已结束 多麼希望我可以收回曾说过的话 多麼希望我可以做的更好 多麼希望我可以抹去曾做过的荒唐事 为此日覆一日我都觉得遭透了 对不起 真对不起 我不是有意伤害你 我愿承担你的伤悲 该是换我哭泣的时候 我会在这里真心的祈祷 祈祷我能承受时间的考验 我知道我们能做得到 只要我们厮守一起信赖对方 对不起 真对不起 不是有意伤害你 我愿承担你的伤悲 别说一切都已结束 别告诉我已经结束 我要说对不起 真的对不起 我真的不是故意 从不是有意要伤害你 我愿承担 承担你的伤悲 该是换我哭泣的时候