我手写我心【壹】(转载) 作文


  • Dear mom,Time flies quickly. Two months have gone by since I joined this boarding school. Everything is going well. During my first month there .I was like a fish out of water. I came to realize how many things I should thank you for.On the cold winter day, I have to get up early almost morning to fetch hot water. I began to feel ashamed that you prepared hot water for me each morning on winter days before I got up.I am no longer that girl who was often unable to find her books in her bedroom. It used to take me a lot of time collect all the books for the day’s classes. But I have gotten over the bad habit now. And now I know how much time you used to take to collect my books every morning.I have learned to do the laundry on my own now. I came to realize that washing clothes is a boring job, especially on winter days. Sometimes there’s no hot water and I have to wash my clothes with cold water by hands.I came to know how grateful I should be having you as my mom. Thank you mom .YoursSlivia亲爱的妈妈,时光飞逝,转眼我寄校已经有两个月了,我一切都好,请放心。我在这的第一个月,就仿佛成了离开池塘的鱼儿,我开始认识到许多事情我都应该谢谢你的照顾。在冬天的日子里,我几乎每天早上都要早起去提热水。我开始感到惭愧的是,你每天早晨早起给我准备热水时,我忘了和你说一句“谢谢”。我已经不是那个丢三落四的小孩了,曾经我需要许多时间来找齐上课需要的书。但是我现在已经改掉这个坏毛病了,妈妈。我现在才知道,你在每个晚上花时间给我找好书的辛劳,谢谢你妈妈!我现在已经学会自己洗衣服了,妈妈。我渐渐认识到洗衣服是一件多么无聊的事,特别是在寒冷的冬天,有时候没有热水,我只能用冰冷的冷水洗衣服,我想到了你,妈妈,你是怎样十几年如一日的帮我洗衣服啊?我现在充满感激,因为——我有你这么一个好妈妈。谢谢你,妈妈!我爱你!你的小宝贝( 2010 年 12 月 27 日)