

  • Guang,please do not being wilful,and please come back!you do not understand who is heart-truly facing to you,she could be with you all because of the baby,just think about what she said to you before and the damage she's given.Guang ,you are so kind,but the dream between you and her should over now.make yourself again ,the sun will still rasing tomorrow,and also the beautiful moment,please let it to be the memory.the sadness should be gone from your mouth,and it is also not your style to doing it,everyone has their own story.to think the past is not a point of your life,the point is to wait te hope and let everyone see your courage.you could live as well as before without her,the flowers will still bloom tomorrow.do not think anymore ,come back for the real you who filled with confidents,do you think it is worthly to do with a person who does not love you it is none of your business because of her unprecious feeling to you,it does not matter that she put your name in the black list of QQ,I can understand what you are feeling about it .I am sorry about that I had deleted all the stuff in your QQ zone,please forget it OK?she might feels happy right now as you said,but how about you?do you think you can receive the happiness from a person who does not love you?maybe I have no competence to say that to you,I had hurt you in my self-willed before,but I was regret with it and please come back with me.do not think anymore ,she is not worth to you to love.