

  • Draft:

    Polar bears are one of the largest carnivores in the world,with a fur thicker than any other bear.Their fur is what protects their feet by providing warmth and traction why they are on the ice.After a period of molting,the polar bears' fur will change color,from a pure white to a shade of yellow.These bears also have black skin,a nose,lips,and a long neck.In natue,adult males can reach anywhere betwen 500 to 1700 pounds,and females can reach 200 to 700 pounds,while reching a height from about 8 to 10 feet tall.The oldest polar bear,as far as anyone knows,lived for 45 years,and estimates show that there are currently between 20,000 to 25,000 polar bears in the world.

    2.location + diet:

    The most important habitat for polar bears is the edge of the pack ice in the Arctic,a regon which includes Alaska,Canada,Russia,and various other countries.Polar spend the majority of their time throughout the year traveling in search of prey,animals like ringed seals and bearded seals.

    3.Behavior + reproduction:

    Polar bears exhibit several different behabiors.First (英文里没有 firstly 这种说法的),they are usually most active and the beginning and end of each day.In the Canadian Arctic,adult female polar bears spend much of their time during the spring and summer in their caves,while the adult male polar bears hunt.When not hunting,these bears often spend long period resting and sleeping.It is also worth mentioning that when they do sleep,polar bears tend to curl up and covertheir muzzle area to protect themselves,both from the cold,and from other predators.Polar bears are also very protective of their young,and will attack humans if they are hungry and are in search of food to feed their young.

