关于使用手机的英语译文!关于在课堂上使用手机 有人说使用手机是自己的权利 有人则反对 说说你的看法!字数120左右.


  • Mobile phones have changed our lifestyle forever,but not all the changes are for the best.Discuss the pros and cons of owning a mobile phone.

    These days,mobile phones are becoming useful and our lifestyle has changed a lot.In my opinion,though it is true that mobile phones changed our life,but risks are still survived so that we cannot ignore.

    Firstly,with the help of the mobile phone,people can keep in touch with their closest friends and relatives at any time,that will comfort people a lot than writing letters in the old time.Moreover,we can get to know and tell the others about the latest news throughcalling others up,this can make the information wildspread among people easily.

    Secondly,with the development of the mobile phones,people can even surf the Internet,listen to music or even chat with friends on QQ throughout the phone,this is a great progress in morden technology because mobile phones are no longer being made for phone conversations and receving messages.

    However,as for mobile phone owners,using them too much may do harm to their health,for instance,hanging the phone on your neck will cause damage to the heart.Also,soils can be polluted by batteries if we cannot deal with them correctly.

    To sum up,mobile phones do have advantages in morden society,but we have to use them correctly or it will cause great damage to our health.
