

  • 1.我的公开演讲能力比较差,在公共场合讲话的时候我会感到紧张,不过谈论我熟悉的领域我会比较放松.所以当我需要做公开发言的时候,我必须要准备得很充分.我很羡慕那些无论什么话题都能够高谈阔论的人.

    I am not good at open speach.When I speach in public I'll feel nervus,while talking about familiar fields can make me relax.So when I gonna make open speach I must be fully prepared.I adore thoes who is talkative on every topic.


    My disadvantage to be a director is kindhearted.So my team has low sense of disipline,such as to be late for meeting.Of course,kindness also make team members be willing to communicate with me which increases efficiency.