半斤八两 用英文怎样写


  • 半斤八两 [简明汉英词典] be six of one and half a dozen of the other upsides Six of one,half a dozen of other There is no choice between the two.两者半斤八两.It's as broad as it is long.半斤八两;彼此相同.It is six of one and half-a-dozen of the other.旗鼓相当,半斤八两;难兄难弟.There is much to is say on both side.半斤八两,双方都有错.Jim called Gerald a liar—well,it takes one to know one!吉姆认为杰拉尔德是一个说谎的人——得了,他们俩人半斤八两.Certainly,in taking revenge,a man is but even with his enemy; But in passing it over,he is superior; For it is a prince's part to pardon.无可否认,若一个人对其仇敌施加报复,那他与被报复者不过是半斤八两;而若是他不念旧恶,宽大为怀,那他就比对手高出一等,因高抬贵手乃贵人之举.When my two children quarrel,I never know who to blame because it's usually six of one and half a dozen of the other.当我们两个孩子吵架时,我从不知道该骂谁,因为他们都是半斤八两,差不多.