

  • 现在,越来越多的人喜欢生活在乡下.因为,乡下的天比城市的天蓝,乡下的水比城市里的水更清澈.那里还有更绿的树和更新鲜的空气.虽然城市的楼房更高,道路更宽,但是城市里更嘈杂.如果有机会,我一定要去乡下住一段时间.

    Nowadays, more and more people prefer living in the countryside, which is because the sky in the countryside is bluer than that in the city, and the water is clearer. In the countryside, there are greener trees and fresher air. Although the buildings in the city are taller and the roads are wider, the city is noiser. If I had the chance, I would definitely like to go living in the countryside for a while.

