写100词以内的英语小文章需要用到的词语;extreme 极度的bungee jumping 蹦极snowboardin


  • Lots of people are into extreme sports like bungeejumping,snowboarding (or gymnastics) these days,and the similaritiesamong these activities are very clear.The excitement coming from the risk offelling off a mountain or dropping freely from 3000 feet above in the sky,thevarious uncertainty behind it,the original wildness flowing from thedeepest of our heart,and the coolest equipment.All of these combined,we can see clearly why there are so many preferences over these athletics,since it's certainly better than some regular dull sports,like jogging,which we can doeveryday.

    p.s:括号中最好不写,未用到的词汇 in order to do something ,exactly ,turn up,字数含标点97,可能有些许语法错误~