谁会这道题:阅读理解. 阅读理解. 假如你叫付倩,在黄金周参观南京名胜


  • Dcar cditor,

    During the golclen week I visited some places of interest inNanjing. One of them is a famous

    temple built in the late MingDynasty. There are mariy piciures on the wall.s of the temple,which

    show us how people al that time Iivcd. The temple has grcat artisticvalue.I am worried about it

    because some of the pictures arc heingdamaged by air pollution which comes from their hunclrcd.

    i of touristswho visit rhc temple every day. The carbon dioxide from ihc hrcathis destroying the

    pictures. So,I think wc' should take mcasures toprotccl il. Firstly,we should fix glass walls in

    front of the pictures.Sccondly.limit the number of the visitors. Finailly,buitd a website where

    people can appreciate the pictures and the temple withoutgoing there.

    Yours sincerely,

    Fu Qian
