

  • 1:You eat with that mounth (别人说了很难听的话你可以用这句回他)

    2:Dont't you dare !你 敢!

    3:Put up or shut up!要么行动要么闭嘴.

    4:Hey,wise up!放聪明点!

    5:Hey,grow up!成熟点!

    6:Cut the crap .废话少说

    7:Dont't push me around.别欺负我.

    8:Who's side are you on?你到底站在哪边?

    9:You make me sick!你真让我恶心!

    10:Get out of my face !从我面前消失!

    11:Take a hike !哪凉快哪呆着去.

    12:You have a lot of nerve .脸皮真厚.

    13:I can'take it anymore .我受不了了.