

  • 你的文章语法 标点和词汇用错的地方太多,我重写了一遍,

    Good morning,boys and girls!My name is Sun Jie.The topic of my speech today is "my gift".Every one of us has gifts,beautiful,practical,and deeply meaningful ; also has father,mother and grandpa.Maybe we will have a everyday new gift,such as bright sunshine or our beloved people around.all of there are gifts .Of course,I also have a gift,a very special gift,and that is God's gift for me—— a monthly exam results.In one monthly exam,my Mathematics achievement is only 90 points!You see,90 points in 120 !How sad I am.because of that,I was ashamed to face my mom and Dad,thus I came back home with the paper hidden.Later,I thought if it was right.No,it was definately wrong and stupid,I determined to work hard to chanllednge the final test.from then on,I began to hit the books.In the mid-term examination,I got good results in 105 points.the failure in last exam let me understand the imprtance of facing the setbacks and that trying hard would make you succeed in the end!Yes,the 90 points is not a gift with ordinary meaning,but A real gift which let me know how to be hard,and not to be discouraged when facing difficulties.