

  • 孝子之至,莫大乎尊亲;尊亲之至,莫大乎以天下养.为天子父,尊之至也;以天下养,养之至也.——孟子




    The son of ZunQin; so,- ZunQin to,all the great.As one of the father,and honour,- The raise to,also.- mencius

    Five:the secular alleged impiety emotion,regardless of its parents,a unfilial also,Bo abandon good wine,regardless of the parents to raise,two unfilial also,Good wife,private goods,regardless of their parents and three unfilial also,From the refreshing,thought to parents,four unfilial Thule,Good struggle against malicious,with parents and five unfilial also threatened.- mencius

    Mencius quotes deriving mencius LaoWuLao yue:"the old man,and my baby,baby,and the young man."

    The LiangHuiWang on his"