写一篇英语作文.你的笔友Emily向你询问新年收到的礼物以及你自己购买的物品,请你写一封e mailo ,详细介绍每一件


  • Dear Emily ,

    How are you

    I've receive some presents during the new year,I like all the presents I received .

    The first present is a gold watch ,I grandmother gave me that ,

    she says that she wish I can learn to manage my time and not to be late in any event ,

    I love the watch so much ,because I always be late in any gathering and other events ,

    the watch is really useful to me .

    The next present is a puppy ,it's a chihuahua ,it's small and adorable ,I named it Cindy ,

    Cindy have blue eyes and a pointy nose,just like a " barbie dog " ,my mom gave me this ,

    this is the present I like the most ,after having a pet dog ,I can play with it anytime I want .The third present and also the last present,it's a music box ,there will be music playing when the cover is opened ,it play the song " a thousand years " and that's my favorite song ,the present is from my cousin Jacob ,I like it so much ,I can play the song when I can't fall asleep .

    That's all what I've receive this new year ,wish you're happy by knowing what I get too !

    your friend,(名字)
