

  • 我们经常听到有些孩子抱怨父母不理解他们,父母与孩子之间存在着代沟。假设你是一位父亲或母亲,你会怎样处理与孩子之间的关系。   要求:语句通顺,过渡自然,80词左右   提示:1. 多交流,增进相互了解;   2. 不要总是抱怨孩子,应当多鼓励;   3. 给孩子适当的娱乐时间;   4. 为孩子树立一个好榜样   If I were a parent, I would not always complain that my child doesn’t understand me. I would communicate with him or her. I wouldn’t say I wasn’t like this at his or her age. They could have their hobbies, such as listening to pop music, watching action movies, choosing their own clothes and friends, etc. If I were a parent, I would encourage them to have fun. I would force them to study all day. I would encourage them however a little progress they had made. The most important thing is that I would be a good model for them and win their respect.