

  • 我曾在"李阳"的一本书上有一篇很经典的自我介绍,你看看吧,

    My name is Michael.I am a high school student.I go to school five days a week.I study hard,beause I want my life to be successful.

    Of all the subjects,English is my favourite.I enjoy expressing myself in English.I love to learn new phrases and sentences.I find it fun to fearlessly blurt out complicated sentences.When I talk to foreign visitors,I love to show off my beautiful English.

    I am outgoing and cheerful.I make friends easily.We have good times playing and laughing together.My friends and I love sports,amd we often play basketball ,watch football matches,and go swimming.

    When I am by myself,I like to surf the Internet.I can learn so much about many things all over the world.Some day I hope to travel around the world and see all these things for myself.

    Anthor reason I want to travel is to wpreas Chinese across the globe.I am proud of my native language,and I want to share it with people everywhere.But first,I have to master English.

    I believe in myself.I'm sure I can make my dream come true.