写作.这幅 写作. 这幅漫画名为《寒假的第一天》.请你根据这幅漫画的内


  • One possible version:

    The First Day in the Winter Holiday

    It was the first day of the winter holiday,but Xiao Ming wasn't happy.In the morning,his mother woke

    him up early and wanted to take him to a make-up school.At almost the same time,his father came in,telling

    him to sign up for an English training course.Xiao Ming was a football fan and was crazy about cartoon films,

    yet neither of his parents would like him to develop his own interest.What they only care about seems to be

    his study.

    It's not only Xiao Ming who has to face such a holiday.Nowadays,children in China are burdened with

    so much homework and so many training courses that they can hardly enjoy their holidays.It's time that

    parents "returned" holidays to their children.