英语翻译1 如果你躲在车里面,就不会被大雨淋到了2 那个家伙喜欢被雨淋3 淋雨太久的话,容易感冒4 他昨天在大雨中淋了1


  • 1.You won't get rained on if you hide in the car.

    2.That guy likes getting rained on.

    3.If you get rained on too long,you'll be susceptible to a cold.

    4.He was rained on for an hour yesterday,and has a fever today.

    5.I've been in stuck in traffic for 1 hour.

    6.The rain keeps getting worse,and no one knows when it will stop.

    7.The rain keeps getting lighter,and no one know how much longer it will go on.

    8.The water levels have been increasing too quickly and we're stuck in here.

    9.He knows that eating too much fast food is unhealthy,but he still likes to go eat it.

    10.The quality of my computer monitor isn't bad,since it hasn't broken in 8 years of use.

    11.This cellphone broke many times / broke 3 times.

    12.How many times has this cellphone broken?

    >> How many times has this cellphone been repaired?

    13.How much does it cost to repair this cellphone?

    >> How much do I need to spend to repair this cellphone?

    嘿嘿 来了.