

  • A fantastic experience

    I was once a poor student of english in my middle school time,and I still remember the experience of my first English testing.I faild and my teacher made me stand on the platform in the classroom.Form that time ,I promised myself that will study English well even if I didn't like it anymore.But,My method of English learning is inefficient .Remember new words one by one and few times reading and listenning.I got a satisfied score in my final test,but I found I can not speak English at all.I am still learning English.

    A fantastic Experience

    It was cool.After supper,I went to the library.I had a good time in the reading room.On my way home,I found a small boy crying at the corner.He said he lost his money so he couldn’t go home.I asked him not to be worried .Then I took out 5 yuan and give it to him.He thanked me and took a taxi home happily .Suddenly,I found there was no money with me.I couldn’t afford the bus ticket.So it took me 40 minutes to go home on foot.When I got home,I was very tired but happy.So I thought it was a fantastic experience for me,and for the boy,too.
