英语.如题.有一学校将开一家专门为外籍老师同学提供服务的coffee bar.要招若干高中生无酬打工人员.假如你是李华,


  • 你好


    My name is Li Hua.I am 18 years old.Officially I am a man.So I decide to find a part-time job on my summer vocation.Yestoday I finally made a decision to be a waiter in a cafe bar.There are not too much money,but I would get the chance to communicate with many people,to listen,talk with them.And through this I could learn much.I think it's worth doing.And I do not think this is ashamed.When you guys are playing,I am serving and getting in touch with someone I never know,it's cool and useful.I will learn how to make people happy by serving them coffee.By the way,if you come I will serve you too.Like I always say:"you happy and I will happy".So don't be shy,just come!

    (122 words)

