关于Benefits from hosting the olympic Games的英文


  • 自己节选吧~

    The financial industry is undoubtedly the greatest beneficiary of the!

    Olympics and China's Financial Development

    The basic principles of economics tell us that in a market economic and social development process, there will be many see see and the invisible factors that affect a country's economic and financial future development, a major factor of economic development that comes from the exogenous (exogenous) shocks - that is, from outside the economic impact of another point of view affect the economy is mainly due to endogenous (endogenous) factors - that is, the characteristics of the economy itself. There is also a view that affect economic development is exogenous and endogenous factors, mixed: one external shocks may affect the economic development,

    However, endogenous factors, sometimes to expand the impact of external shocks such as the original and make it more durable. When the Chinese IOC vote in Moscow, the meeting was declared to host the 2008 Olympic Games, from the basic principles of economics point of view, do not use to say, the Olympics will be China's financial development of China's economy generate endogenous and exogenous effects.

    1, the Olympic Games of China's financial exogenous (exogenous) effects

    We have raised the bid to host the Games of the concept is a

    commitment to the 2008 Olympic Games once

    Hosted the Olympic Games from the development experience of many cities of view, the Olympic Games for the city's modernization and development in various areas have a huge role in promoting. Bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing will be the benefits of all-round.

    First, to host the Olympic Games and carried out large-scale urban development will speed up Beijing among the pace of a modern international metropolis. To host the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing plans to build and transform a number of criteria in line with the Olympic Games stadiums. At the same time will be conducive to long-term development perspective of Beijing City on the airport, railway stations, urban roads, telecommunications systems, information centers, as well as the Olympic Village and its auxiliary facilities, such as large-scale infrastructure facilities construction and renovation. If a successful bid to host the 2008 Olympic Games to Beijing's municipal construction in all respects will have a new development, so that directly benefit ordinary people in Beijing.

    Second, the bid will make Beijing's environment more beautiful. Currently, Beijing is to further increase the environmental management efforts. In improving the quality of the environment at the same time, using the favorable opportunity of hosting the Olympic Games will be the development and utilization of environmental resources and the layout of urban functions combined with the building of facilities, not only can reverse the current passive state, but also further enhance the level of Beijing's environment. Beijing is a warm temperate semi-humid climate, four seasons, has a vast ecological landscape and environmental resources, the Olympics bid will enable us to further develop the environmental resources so that our living environment more beautiful Peking Man.

    Third, the Olympics can provide more jobs. Driven by the Olympic city construction, on the one hand will give a strong impetus to Beijing to adjust the industrial structure and enhance the potential for sustainable development, urban economy at the same time create more job opportunities and improve the quality of employment. In addition, the Olympic Games for the development of related industries also have an immeasurable effect. Olympic Games is the largest global event, in order to ensure success of the exhibition, will require the highest quality and most advanced technical equipment and products, thus driving the related technologies and products to upgrade and promote the industrial structure and technological structure of the high-level of.

    Fourth, the Beijing Olympics will become the world's focus of attention. According to experience, the Olympic Games host city have been identified as the world's attention immediately after the hot spots. People around the world will flock to urban life and life supplies the demand for services increased dramatically, resulting in the rapid expansion of the consumer market. Accompanied by a construction project, development of related industries and the Olympic Games commercial financing and a huge opportunity to attract large number of investors coming to seek cooperation opportunities, forming a huge investment market, to Beijing to bring tremendous business opportunities.

    Fifth, the Olympics will promote spiritual civilization. A lot around the bidding for and hosting the Olympic Games, to patriotism, the capital of consciousness, the collective honor of the Center's advocacy work will help further stimulate the love of a nation that loves all the people of Beijing enthusiasm, harmony and mutual assistance in the formation of interpersonal relationships, forge ahead with the work of the spirit and the conscious to comply with social ethics, etc. to create a new situation. In addition, the Beijing Olympic bid for the promotion of cultural development, before the world united to establish Beijing civilized and open image of a modern international city, as well as state-owned enterprise reform and create a more relaxed environment, all have a great role in promoting.