介绍一种职业的英语小短文(初一下学期的) 今天就要!


  • 我的理想是当一名优秀的医生,医生是一个崇高的职业,治病救人是医生的职责.医生救人小到门诊,大到手术,关系到人们的生命,因此,他们总是那么专心致志,不敢有一丝疏忽大意,他们知道一个小错就能酿成大祸.每当知道医生又救治好一个垂危病人,我的心里即羡慕有佩服,不由暗暗下定决心:长大了我也要当医生

    My dream is to be a good doctor,the doctor is a noble profession,cure patents is a doctor's responsibility.Doctors save small to outpatient,big to surgery,related to people's life,therefore,they are always so devoted,can't have a neglectful,they know a small mistake can lead to disaster.Whenever knows doctor and good a dying patient treatment,my heart is not a admire,admire secretly determined:when I grow up I also want to be a docto