what will you do to reduce household waste


  • Buy only the things that you need and consider the environment when you make your purchases.Take into account the type of packaging-whether or not it is recyclable or will produce a lot of waste.Buy local items as often as possible,especially produce and meats as these usually require less packaging (as well as less transportation).

    Purchase durable products that can be kept for long-term use or reused for a different purpose.While they may be more expensive initially,in the long run they will cost you less.Use regular tableware instead of disposable.Recycle fabric scraps for other craft projects.

    Use cloth or paper bags when you shop.Landfills are full of non-biodegradable plastic bags that take up tons of space and are a threat to wildlife.If you find yourself with lots of leftover plastic bags,recycle them.

    Recycle.More than half of household trash is recyclable and most cities offer a recycling pick-up program.Stay up-to-date on what your area program accepts and be sure to recycle all of those materials.Many area salvage or scrap yards will recycle used appliances,metal and even cars.

    Compost your yard and food waste.These waste items would otherwise contribute to landfill gasses and water contamination.Most food scraps (except for bones and animal fat),yard clippings and waste and even paper can be composted into a natural soil additive.There are many websites to help you start a composting heap or check into community programs.