

  • 笔试部分

    I.1-5 ABCDB 6-10 CBDDA 11-15 BDCBB

    II.16-20 CADDB 21-25 DABBD

    III.26-30 DCABA 31-35 CABDC 36-40 CBDAB

    IV.41-45 FCDAB 46-50 GFECA

    V.One possible version:

    51.In my opinion,we should leave here at 9 o’clock.

    52.They go to the park instead of the zoo.

    53.Jill didn’t wear glasses any longer.

    54.Mr Li is now in prison.

    55.I can finish the work on my own.

    VI.One possible version:

    A.56.40 57.Short 58.black 59.glasses 60.dirty


    Sunday,October 10 Fine

    Today is Sunday and I went to a bookstore to buy some books in the morning.When I was in the hall of the bookstore,I saw a man stand beside a bike,with a pair of sharp pliers in his hand.The man was cutting the chain of the bike.He was short and thin,about 40 years old.He wore a black hat and a pair of glasses.His trainers were very dirty.I dialed 110 at once to report the theft.Soon the police showed up and caught the thief.

    I feel very happy today because I’ve done a good job.

    第10期B4 版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外)


    殊途同归 1-5 AABBC

    抛砖引玉 1.innocent 2.question 3.recognized 4.own 5.crime

    6.control 7.hide 8.raise 9.price 10.disagree

    各归其主 1.pay for 2.solved the case 3.dependent on

    4.are able to 5.looked for 6.hardly ever

    7.the same; as 8.because of


    翻译园地 1.behind bars 2.as well as 3.short of

    4.operate railways 5.In my opinion

    异曲同工 1.always remembers 2.refused to

    3.hates talking 4.is cheaper 5.the hottest


    单词变脸 1.guilty 2.admitted 3.locking 4.owner 5.separately

    6.speakers 7.mice 8.hidden 9.rarely 10.hotter

    情景填空 1.to bring; putting 2.to visit; staying

    3.speaking; to pass 4.more useful; easier

    5.more interesting; the most interesting


    1.I paid 4,000 yuan for a new computer.

    2.He doesn’t want to be a football player any longer.

    3.The man didn’t admit stealing my wallet.

    4.Arthur worked in Shenzhen instead of Hong Kong.

    5.The old woman is the owner of the ring.

    6.The city didn’t have enough medicine after the flood.

    7.At present,teenagers prefer to get a laptop.

    8.The 5-year-old boy is able to operate the computer well.


    阅读训练营1-3 CCA

    任务阅读 One possible version:

    1.Once a year 2.■ 15 3.September 19

    4.On the Guangming Middle School playground

    5.September 26

    完形小测1-5 BCBCD 6-10 CBBAD

    口语测试第III题 One possible version:

    This morning I didn’t catch the early bus.I had to wait for the next one.Looking at the heavy traffic,I was very worried because there would be an exam this morning.When I got to the classroom,the exam had already begun.I was late.I hurried to my seat.Before I could finish the paper,the teacher said the time was up and I had to hand in the paper.What a bad day!

    第10期B2版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外)


    I.1.as well as 2.think about 3.broke into 4.instead of

    5.worked as 6.lives alone 7.of his own 8.arrive at

    9.is able to 10.looked for

    II.1.In the end 2.at the moment 3.turn off 4.hardly ever


    I.1.taught us 2.asked; to 3.stole; from

    4.call him 5.made me stay

    II.1.bought; for 2.to cut 3.What; think of

    语法运用1-5 BCDDB 6-8 AAD