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  • The Birthday Gifts

    I received many gifts last Saturday because it was my birthday. Some gifts made me very happy, but some did not. For instance, my mother sent me an expensive sweater. But it was really ugly. I was embarrassed because I had to pretend I liked it in order to make my mother felt happy. I found it was hard to buy clothes or other personal things for the others.

    My grandparetns bought me a toy car, which made me feel angry because I did not want it at all. Probably they still considered I was a little kid, but actually I was not. To make things easier, my father just gave me money. As the result of that, I thought he was just being lazy. I preferred to receive a gift that had some meaning behind it. And last, Dick, my friend, made it. He gave me a new pen, which looked very cool and convenient. "I just need it!" I said, even thought I knew it was really cheap.

    I believe receiving gifts is a very difficult task. Do you agree with me?
